day 3 at Sik.
Our day started off with a talk given by Nutritionist of KK Sik, Pn. Zuwariah. There were a lot of information to be ingested, digested and absorbed. We realize that we just hasn't learned enough of our own country after all.
On the other hand, the Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) program is implemented for all in the district. Pn. Zuwariah revealed that almost 100% of the Sik residents are iodin deficient. As to why is it so? Most of the Sik residents involve in agriculture sector, their place is far away from the seawater. Hence, their diet naturally contains minute amount of iodine which is largely available from the seafood.
Our schedule is then followed by a visit to KK Jeniang,
which has a more elaborated Maternal & Child health services compared to KK Sik. KK Jeniang outperforms KK Sik in few aspects. KK Sik has MCH, while KK Jeniang Has MCH as well as Outpatient clinics working 24/7 and emergency services headed by a Family Medicine Specialist.
ABC is only applicable for uncomplicated pregnancy - white & green tagging. Many of the patient were either in emergency or devoid of transport. Many mothers opt for delivery at ABC However they could only do so if they fulfills certain criterias.
The ABC labour room >>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<< The first phototherapy room in KK of Kedah.
--At 1pm, the expenditure of energy has largely outweights the supply, yes... It's time for food!--
...cont, next stop...
<<<< MGTT corner having premixed sugar solution in the dispenser
Niti was relieved over his HIV negative result >>>>>>>>
<<<<< Yin ying was in hypo-state, so were we!
Next stop... Primary health and Geriatrics services- offering a series of activities in promoting healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.
Last but not least the pharmacy....
Again, at the end of our everydays of DHO postings, we look forward to another brand new experience tomorrow...
fingers down...
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