Day 3,a day which we anticipated anxiously for the arrival of a top officer from health ministry. As usual, we reached the health office at 8.30 sharp but the only difference was all of our group members were either smart or tidy because we are hoping to give the health minister a good immpresion if he were to visit our health office at bakar bata.
But to our disappoinment, we were informed that he had decided to visit the pokok sena district health office instead of ours...oh no..what a sad news.......
But life goes on...we went up to the meeting room with a heavy heart to have a lecture from Mr. Ooi from the CDC unit. He began his lecture with a brief introduction on his unit and some objective and misson ,vision and stuff like that...oh's so dry..but wait..this is not the end of it..later on,the lecture become more lively as he started to brief us on the procedure on the notification of the communicable disease as well as the management of the food poisoning which he said was more relavant to us in the future. All of us participate actively in the session , even our "pendiam" Dato' Yap and Pei Shin asked a lot of question and Mr. Ooi answered each of question possed to him with full enthusiasm and we realised that how experience he is.Now, who cares if the health ministry officer is coming !!!( lol...JK...still sad, even now )And indeed, all of us benifited from that session. Subsequently, he showed us some statistical datas of KS daerah and also explained to us patiently why the pattern of a particular graph was in a such way..of course, never short of jokes in between his talk... He ended his talk by showing us the system they use for notification which is the "e-notice CDCIS".
After his talk, we went to the BAKAS unit and have a talk by Mr. Zaini ,who is a PPKP from that unit at 10.45am . His brief us on all the functions of his unit, the organization chart, job function of all his staff and some of the routine activities they carried out at the rural area and some of the problems they curently facing. He finished his talk by showing us a lot of pic which his unit had been doing over the past few month. He promised to take us to the field work in the coming day if time allows.. we can only be hopeful.
At 2.00pm, we gather at the admin building as usual and we waited for the sister from MCH unit as well as sister from school team to make an appoinment to go for activities such as post natal follow up and school visit and date was confirmed after they make a few phone call ...(don't know where they call also)
At 3.05, our beloved DR. Rajan together with Dr. Kay visited us and see how we were doing and he explained some of the important thing that we need to learn at this posting . apart from that, he also answered our doubt patiently. It's such a relieve to have someone who answer your doubt after living like an "orphan"..for 3 days.
well, what to do next ?? why not go for fogging ??
Yes !!! We went to the vector unit and check if they have any op today and the answer is YES's a bad news and a good news actually, in the sense that we will go bk late today as the fogging will only start at 6.30pm, the good news is , we can learn something interesting ... The officer in charge brief us a lot on the preparation of the thermal fogging and how they conduct sampling before we set off to our destination...Upon arrival, all the health officer went around the housing area by house to house to inform those resident about the fogging and asked for their full cooperation before starting their action. The op lasted about one hour and we thanked all those health officer before we "tapau balik "
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