Date : 16/02/2009
Time: 9.00pm
We joined the Health Inspection unit food safety division headed by PPKP En. Hussain and his team on a Food Premis inspection operation. We moved from KKKP at 830pm and arrived at Chang Lung town half an hour later. Around 30 or so personel including health officers, assistants, students and us were involved. We were divided into two groups, each guided by an enforcement agent strolled through the streets of Chang Lung.
Our main task was to inspect and evaluate the safety and health conditions of the premises. We inspected 9 of these premises which includes static stalls, restaurants, and fruit stalls. A total of 7 shops were found to be inadherent to the food safety laws and hence were slapped with closure notices under section 11, Akta Makanan 1983.
We were tought on how to evaluate the cleanliness of these premises and what sorts of practices were considered unhygenic and unsafe to the local consumers. The evaluation was based upon the score sheets of Lampiran D, E and F which says that if a shop has a score of 70 and less, it will be given the closure notice. These premis owners must mend their said deficiencies within 14 days so that they will be given the green light once again after further reinspections.
The operation was called of by our head En. Hussain at 11 and we dispersed back to Kubang Pasu.
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