SN Thanaletchimi showing and explaining to us about TB drug
We gathered at 8.30am as usual today knowing that Mr. Chong Koy Seng , who is the head of the primer unit (primary health care) would give us a talk on the primary health care system as well us giving us a better perception towards his dept. He started his talk by explaining the objective of PHC and the 3 tier system under the previous plan and now which had been changed to a 2 tier system to enhance the health care system and decrease the disease burden to the patient and the society.
Later on, he spoke a little bit on some specific topic such as asthma, diabetes and quality assurance programme provided by our govn. All of us had a very good discussion with Mr. Chong as he is a very experience in this field and is well versed with the system here at Kota star although he was just transferred from sungai petani months ago.
After a lengthy and informative discussion with Mr. Chong which ended at about 11.20 am (the longest discussion so far), he decided to take us for a tour at the klinic Bandar Kota Star so that we would have a deeper understanding on what he had told us in his discussion. But at the KK bandar KS, due to some unforseen circumstances, the tour was taken over by the sister in charge, sister Nor.
Firstly, she took us to the registration counter and she explained the how the system work here, what's the problem they facing, and also what's the target of the govn in term of the "waiting time" and answered some of our question. Subsequently, she also inform us about the staff available here. what are the speciality available (actually only Family medicine) and who are they. Later on, we proceeded to the Diabetes clinic where she explained the services provided here as well as the workload they need to cope with. Next, she showed us the emergency clinic and brief us a little bit on that unit. Then , we continued our tour to the TB unit where she hand over the brief to his staff nurse ( SN Thanaletchymi), who is very experience in this unit and she explained patiently about the TB schedule, the DOTS system,how they monitor the drug side effect, TB forms and function of the PR1 and PR2. She was so nice to show us the actual drug which was given to those TB patients. The "tour" ended by visiting the lab as well as the pharmac which ended at about 1.10pm.
The best part is the next session where we will have another Q& A session with Mr. Chong at 3.00pm in which he will clarify all the doubt in our mind after we went to see the actual working environment at KK bandar KS. Here , he spoke a little bit more about the card auditing system in the diabetic clinic which will be implemented this yr. To be honest, We are so glad to have him for the session and it is very fair to say that he is a very very knowledgable man with a humble heart. He is also always approacable and who always put a smile on his face. Besides that, he is always ever ready to clear any doubt that we have and have been very x N helpful to us in this posting. He ended his lecture by giving us some good advice as well as sharing some of his personal experience both as a health care provider and as a man. Personally, i truly admire this very nice man and i am sure i am not only speaking for myself.
After the "good" discussion, all of us left for our respective unit to continue some undone job before we left.... Till we meet again tomorrow....Adios !!!
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