Tuesday, February 17, 2009

BAKAS Kuala Nerang

Third day in Kuala Nerang, it has been challenging (living wise), but we pulled through. For the past 2 days, there were not many activities that were done. But today, we started off the day by following the team that handles the BAKAS (Bekalan Air dan Kesihatan Alam Sekitar) sector of PKD Kuala Nerang. We were lead by three officers that are very well versed with the location of each and every water supply equipment that PKD has donated to the community of Kuala Nerang.

The first house that we went to was owned by a family of rubber tappers. The house was isolated from any other nearby housing area or town. This house was given to the owners under the PPRT (Projek Penempatan Rakyat Tersmiskin) programme for the most under privileged families. PKD has also built a hand pump for the owners so that they can get easy access to clean water. The water is pumped from the depth of 65feet below ground level. The officers then explained to us the parameters of installing the hand pump.

Usually, one hand pump supplies about 3-4 houses. But since the house mentioned was very isolated, it was given one hand pump on its own. Another area that we went to also has a hand pump. But this time, the pump is connected to a motor that then pumps the water to a tank that is placed on high stilts, which supplies the nearby houses.

We also had the chance to see the gravity feed system in Puncak Janing. The officer explained to us the meaning of GFS and the maintainance of it. Usually the GFS supplies a whole village that is located at the foot of the hill. So far, there are no reports of any water-borne disease outbreak reported coming from this rather efficient GFS that was built by the PKD team of Kuala Nerang.

We will be joining the Vektor team for fogging of Kampung Lubok, later this evening. can’t wait to get our hands on those fogging machines!! *peace~~

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