Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Group A: Day 9 Kuala Muda

On the 9th day, we gathered early to complete our task of gathering additional information from the hospital staff. Then, we marched towards the TB Unit for another essential briefing session by MR Rosli about his core duty in investigating the contact person of TB patient by visiting their respective houses after notification. According to him, it is vital to fill in various forms such as BORANG 10A-1 ( Maklumat Penukaran Rawatan Pesakit TB ), BORANG 10C-2 ( Pemeriksaan Saringan TB ) , BORANG 10C-1 ( NOtis Menjalani pemeriksaan pengesahan ), 'Slip no. daftar TB' and 'maklumat penyiasatan kes TB'.

In addition, the recent format they are practicing now is the ‘e-notis’ system that started in 2008, which it is updated daily by reporting TB cases. As such, any TB cases will be notified in a very short period of time.

There are 3 main treatment centre in Kuala Muda, namely HSAH, KK SP, KK Merbok also known as PR1 while 5 others are in KK Bukit Selambau, Bedong, Bandar Baru Sungai Lalang,, Kota Kuala Muda, and Bakar Arang. These 5 centres are named PR2, where only drug therapy (DOTS) is available. While in PR1, the centre provides extra services such as diagnosing or detecting and treating TB patient in addition to the DOTS programme. These many centres provided by our beloved government are for the conveniences of the public to continue their daily treatment nearby their residence.

The DOTS programme is usually under the supervision of the staff nurses in the TB control unit room. The usual regimes for TB drugs are rifampicin, isoniazide, pyrizinamide, ethambutol, streptomycin. These drugs are packed according to the patients' daily dosage and kept in a white container with the patient;s name written. We also managed to observe, a walk-in patient receiving his daily treatment at the centre.

The evening session started with a breezy rain. MR ZAMANI (PPKP) from the CDC Unit took another two hours of briefing. This unit usually deals with diseases such as TB (MR. Rosli), HIV infection (MR. Hasani) , and communicable diseases which are divided into water and food borne diseases under the management of Pn. Ros and non-water and food borne diseases by Mr. Zamani himself. Being an experienced health officer, he explained about how the notifications of the notifiable diseases were done, common cases that were usually reported such as measles, hand,food and mouth disease, dengue fever, TB, Chikugunya and food poisoning. He showed us various types of forms that must be filled. He also taught us on how to carry out an investigations if an outbreak should occur like, food poisoning. We then learnt about CDC surveillance system such as measles using ‘e-notis’ (SM2) by reporting the cases to the federal health office from the district. Mr. Zamani also shared with us about his job responsibilities in handling HIV patients in which all of us found very interesting. Last but not least, we went to his work place to have an overview idea about notification via ‘e-notis’ using his computer.

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